How Does Turmeric Change Your Coffee Experience?

By Admin Wed, May 03, 23

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When everyone is telling you not to drink coffee, or how it will give you a stomach ache, or how it’s bad for you… well, believe it or not, there are some benefits to drinking your favorite beverage black. In fact, there are so many benefits to drinking your coffee black that we’ve compiled this page of turmeric coffee recipes just for you. Keep reading to discover everything you ever wanted to know about adding turmeric powder to your cup of Joe.

The Power of Turmeric

Most people have a love-hate relationship with coffee. On one hand, it’s super healthy: A cup of joe can help you stay energized for hours, and it will also keep you regular by keeping you from overeating. However, too much coffee sends your body into overdrive in an effort to make up for it, which means you’re more prone to being sick because of the caffeine.

This is where turmeric comes in! The bright yellow spice found in large quantities in curries and Indian food is known for its potent antioxidant properties — and it also contains significant amounts of curcumin, a potent anti-inflammatory agent known to suppresses the production of inflammatory compounds that lead to disease.

What is Turmeric?

Turmeric is a flowering plant native to South and Central America, and is known for its strong anti-inflammatory properties. As a plant, turmeric has been used for both medical and dietary reasons for hundreds of years. It’s a rich source of dietary minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants. However, Indian physicians began to use turmeric in the 16th century as a treatment for a wide range of diseases and conditions. In its modern form, turmeric is a yellow spice that is often ground into a powder for added flavor and texture in dishes like curries, soups, stews, and even coffee.

Do You Need Turmeric in Your Coffee?

There are many cases where you don’t need turmeric in your coffee, but you might find it beneficial in other ways. For example, if you’re looking to improve your liver health, you could try adding turmeric to your salad or oats. You may also want to consider adding turmeric to your diet if you’re looking for a boost of energy.

Health Benefits of Turmeric

As you’ve probably gathered, there are a lot of benefits to adding turmeric to your coffee. And not just the obvious ones like the color and flavor changing your coffee experience. Here are just a few of the many reasons you might want to give turmeric a try in your coffee: 


1. Boosts your immunity

According to studies, consuming 2-3 teaspoons of turmeric daily along with lunch and dinner can provide your body with anti-inflammatory compounds that can help your immune system function properly. 


2. Boosts brain function

One of the main functions of turmeric is to boost brain function by increasing levels of compounds called compounds called neuroprotectants. 

Turmeric and Sleep

Although there are many cases where you want to get your daily fix of caffeine and turmeric at the same time, you should probably keep them apart during sleep. Simply put: Don’t wake up before you’re really high on turmeric. If you absolutely have to get up and start your day, go ahead and drink your coffee. But while you’re in bed, don’t open your eyes until you feel completely ready to face the day.

Downsides of Turmeric Coffee 

While there are many benefits to drinking your coffee black, there are some drawbacks to doing so. One of the biggest drawbacks to black coffee is the taste. If you’re looking for a more pleasant taste in your coffee, or would like to try a different type of coffee, there are a few options for you. If you’d like to try adding some turmeric to your coffee, you can either make it at home or buy it in powder form. When you buy turmeric, make sure to buy a pure powder. If you’re not sure where to get your turmeric, you can always go with this recipe that I’ve tested out on myself.

We all know that taking things too far with caffeine and carbing can lead to unwanted side effects. After all, you’re not going to get the same amount of caffeine in a cup of coffee as you would in a espresso shot, and there are certain compounds in caffeine that can damage your liver, heart, and other organs. That’s why it’s best to avoid caffeine completely and go for a herbal alternative when you want to avoid side effects. Unfortunately, there isn’t much research on herbal supplements, so you should probably talk to your doctor first if you want to try adding turmeric to your coffee.

Turmeric Powders in Coffee

You can either make your own turmeric powder or buy it in powder form. If you’re making your own turmeric powder, you’ll first need to purchase a grinder. Typically, you’ll find two types of grinders: single-serve and home-use. Single-serve grinders are good for making your own coffee, while home-use grinders are usually made for herbs and spices. Depending on how much you plan on using your turmeric, you can either purchase a single- or double-strength sample pack. You can then decide how much you’d like to purchase in a single or double strength form. For example, if you’d like to try out 2 tablespoons of turmeric, you could purchase a single-strength sample pack for $10 or a double-strength sample pack for $20.

How to Make Good Turmeric Coffee?

If you’re looking for a quick and easy way to add turmeric to your coffee, you can always buy a single-serve pack. If you’re making your own turmeric powder, you can either mix it in with your water or use it as is. If you’d like the flavor of your coffee to be a little more intense, you can also try adding a tablespoon or two of sugar to your coffee. If you’d like your coffee a little stronger, you can always use more caffeine.


As you can see from this guide, there are a lot of benefits to drinking your favorite beverage black. And one of the main ones is that you can now add turmeric to your coffee. This healthy addition will change your coffee experience for the better. And best of all, it comes in a single-serve or tea-infused bag. So, what are you waiting for? Give Lean Joe Bean superfood coffee a try today!
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