Green Coffee Bean Extract & Weight Loss: Busting the Myths

By Admin Mon, Dec 07, 20

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As opposed to other items in the world of coffee, green beans are still quite mystified because the type of beans that most people are used to come in specific shades of brown. 

Although you may not necessarily know about them now, these staple forms of coffee are bound to become common knowledge as you dive deeper into the world of bean juice. Whether you want to roast your own batches for a “homemade” touch or simply brush up on the deeper details, there’s no doubt that green beans can be quite confusing to deal with.

Out of all the different facets of green beans, there’s one aspect that can be far more confusing than all else: Determining whether or not green bean coffee extract can help reduce weight.

What is green bean coffee extract?

To best put it, green bean coffee extract is a type of concentrated substance that’s made from the proprietary material it’s named after.

If regular green coffee beans are being roasted and made for consumption in daily brews and cups, then they’re most likely refined and reworked into bottles of extract. In fact, these products have become so essential in the cupboards of homes all over the United States because of their link to easier and more effective weight management experiences. 

So, what’s up with the myth?

Much like any other “weight loss made easy” claim that most people come across, the link of green coffee bean extract with weight loss is still commonly deliberated upon. However, the problem with the product and topic in question is that they come with their respective sub-myths because of the extensive body of knowledge they’re involved in!

Thankfully, we’re here to lay this speculation to rest so that you start learning to appreciate the wondrous benefits of the product in question without holding yourself back. Let’s go over the different myths associated with green coffee bean extract’s effect on weight loss in further detail: 

Myth #1: “Green coffee beans don’t have antioxidants, so they can’t help anyone lose weight!”

Contrary to popular belief, green coffee beans are packed with CGA compounds, which are highly touted for the antioxidant effects they provide. Yet, CGA’s problem is that it goes away over time when it is roasted, making it critical to go for green beans instead if you want to get all that weight-loss support you’re looking for. 

Myth #2: It’s just a fad

Definitely not! In fact, green coffee bean’s link to weight-loss support has been around for decades.

Compared to fads that are all bark and no bite, green coffee bean extract is a surefire way to lose weight because of its ever-present CGA content. For instance, Lean Joe Bean’s green coffee products are guaranteed to help boost the body’s metabolism no matter who drinks it, so it’s far from being a mere fad that doesn’t work beyond immense marketing.


Although the idea of drinking green coffee bean extract to lose weight may seem like no more than a mere fad, the truth is that it’s guaranteed to be as helpful as experts claim it to be. With the product’s help, you can have a much easier time reaching your fitness goals and ensuring that you get all the right results!

Our Lean Joe Bean products provide the best functional weight loss coffee in the US market that can help you boost your metabolism and curb your hunger. Visit our website today to place your order!

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